“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that is your own self.” –Aldous Huxley

Your Own Strength
take control of
Wherever you've been, and whatever you've done so far, your entire life was building up to this moment. Now is the time to burst forth into your greatness, a greatness you could never have achieved without going through exactly the things you have gone through. Everything you've experienced was grist for the mill by which you have become who you are. As low as you may have descended, in God there are no limits to how high you can go. It is not too late. You are not too damaged. In fact, you are better than you know.
Marianne Williamson

"I received therapy at DYOS counseling and it helped me to focus more on my family's qualities instead of their mistakes. I learned about acceptance and how to become a better version of myself"

"I sought therapy to improve my communication with my teenage daughters. Among many things, I learned to see through their lenses so I could understand their behavior. This improved the communication and reduced the fights between us. Today our home is harmonious and peaceful."